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 end of the year list!

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PostSubject: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 9:59 pm

alright with the calendar moving into the heart of Q4 of 2009, i figured it's time to make some best of the year stuff. all mine are subject to change depending on the releases left this year and the more stuff i hear.

best album: It's great to be alive by fake problems
runner up- dear friends and gentle hands by american steel
honorable mentions- cobra skulls, the swellers and chuck ragan

best song: HeartBPM- fake problems
runner up- Redness in The West- larry arms
honorable mentions: the road- frank turner, sunday morning- the menzingers, heartless- fake problems

best ep: Buttsweat and tears by the Larry Arms
runner up- hold on dodge by the menzingers, distractions by the loved ones

best "solo" album- gold country by chuck ragan
disappointment of the year- Poetry of the Deed- Frank Turner (not as much it was bad, but i had high expectations after love, ire and song)
best "non punk" album- Man on the Moon: end of days- kid cudi

anyways come up with your own categories or what not, i'll probably change mine around somemore.
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 10:54 pm

It's Great To Be Alive is no where NEAR the best album of the year, It's totally Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts, which is about the best album of the past FEW years

And it's a shame not to mention Broadway Calls new album at all, or Lucero. Lucero's new album is completely life affirming, although not the best this year
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 11:38 pm

see, i like lucero's new album, but i dont think its as good as that much further west and tenn.

i do feel my list is to friendly to fake problems, but everyone loves that album. it's kind of the 59' sound of this year. those boys are going to get big.

i've yet to listen to broadway calls at all, any starting point where i should start listening?
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 11:53 pm

new album is a good place to start, do you have yahoo im? I can send you the file
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2009 12:16 am

i loved frank turners new record.
didnt really love it at first, but it grew on me.
though the first half of the record beats the crap out of the second half.
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2009 3:00 am

Disappointment of the year is RX Bandits - Mandala. They lost a lot when the Chris Sheets (trombone) left the band and then never made up for it. Their sound on this one just isn't as fresh as it was on the last couple.

You named a 7'' of the year before Kudrow's was released. MISTAKE
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juicebox romeo

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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2009 4:38 am

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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2009 6:45 am

I don't really have like a top ten or anything, but these albums/EP's/whatevers I got this year I found really enjoyable.

88 Fingers Louie - Lives
Against Me! - The Original Cowboy
The Aggrolites - IV
American Steel - Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts
Andrew Jackson Jihad - Can't Maintain
Austin Lucas - Somebody Loves You
Banner Pilot - Collapser
Bouncing Souls - 20th Anniversary Series
Chuck Ragan - Daytrotter Session (It is just too good not to mention)
Chuck Ragan - Gold Country
Chuck Ragan - Live At Hafenkneipe Zürich
The Lawrence Arms - Buttsweat and Tears
Left Alone - Left Alone
New Found Glory - Not Without A Fight
NOFX - Coaster
Spinnerette - Spinnerette
Strike Anywhere - Iron Fist EP
Strike Anywhere - Iron Front
Tegan and Sara - Sainthood
Time Again - (Naked)
Chuck Ragan/Brian Fallon - Gospel Songs
Kepi Ghoulie/Vic Ruggiero - The New Dark Ages
Various Artists - Let Them Know: The Story Of Youth Brigade And BYO Records
Westbound Train - Come And Get It

As for dissapointments, I have just two: Rancid - Let the dominoes fall and Dead To Me - African Elephants.
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2009 8:26 pm

Oooooh I totally agree with Rancid's album as a disspointment. Super majorly suck worthy
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2009 8:27 pm

Also, Spinnerette's album was so dissapointing I could kill myself. No joke I wanted to cry when I heard it
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2009 11:53 pm

brody's music went to shit after she left Tim Armstrong..

so it makes me wunder if any of the rumors that Tim had a lot to do with writing Distillers music were true.
who knows
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 12:06 am

Dear Landlord IMO had the best album of the year.

Hated the new Rancid album, but still love those guys
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 4:21 am

Errr... Propagandhi? Anyone?
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 1:13 pm

Johnny99 wrote:
brody's music went to shit after she left Tim Armstrong..

so it makes me wunder if any of the rumors that Tim had a lot to do with writing Distillers music were true.
who knows

Coral Fang wasn't a bad album, while it's not my favorite Distillers record. But Spinnerette, I'm saying biggest letdown of the decade. Such high hopes, all dashed
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 1:18 pm

yeah, while coral fang wasnt too bad, it was a huge departure from their sound on the earlier records.
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Dear Shithead
Dear Shithead

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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 2:14 pm

album of the year for me has to go to either:
p.o.s. - never better
david bazan - curse your branches
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Baby, I'm an Anarchist!
Baby, I'm an Anarchist!

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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 3:17 pm

1372 Overton Park - Lucero

The Last Pale Light in the West - Ben Nichols

those two by far beat anything put out. this year, both complete albums
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 4:14 pm

booradley wrote:
album of the year for me has to go to either:
p.o.s. - never better
david bazan - curse your branches

poz'd for Bazan
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 5:01 pm

Johnny99 wrote:
brody's music went to shit after she left Tim Armstrong..

so it makes me wunder if any of the rumors that Tim had a lot to do with writing Distillers music were true.
who knows

I disagree.
Coral Fang was good and it was different from their earlier albums, but that could be attributed to member changes, as well as the fact that people and their music change over time. Besides it wasn't drastically different.

That said the Spinnerette album is shitty.

Also this:
laurendelore wrote:
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Ninja Warrior
Ninja Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2009 5:11 pm

Plus when you go through a divorce, that changes you big time. i was gonna write something long and heady about music inspirations, blah blah blah. short version: everybody's ripping off somebody else, hell, that's kinda the point.


ThusSpokeYourFace wrote:

laurendelore wrote:
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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 10:40 am

I like to add Roads, Bridges and Ruins by Nothington to my list. ACE ALBUM!
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Ninja Warrior
Ninja Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 1:15 pm

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Ninja Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 1:22 pm

Gold country is my favorite
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 7:08 pm

laurendelore wrote:

and Lando.
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From Her Lips to God's Ears
From Her Lips to God's Ears

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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitimeFri Dec 04, 2009 10:28 am

Album of the year for me probably has to be Crazy Arms 'Born To Ruin'

Not a bad track on it.

Heart BPM i probably agree with the track of the year, or it's at least a good contender
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PostSubject: Re: end of the year list!   end of the year list! Icon_minitime

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